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Co-author and execute a roadmap to Yankee coating success
While considering changes to the most consequential part of your process, the last thing you need is confusion or surprise. When you partner with Buckman, you will co-author success criteria for your Yankee coating project, so everyone stays aligned on expectations, responsibilities, and goals throughout. As part of an evaluation plan workshop, Buckman interviews every important stakeholder—from supervisors and procurement to operators and engineers—to ensure their priorities, questions, and concerns are proactively addressed. A plan is then drafted that outlines mutually agreed-upon KPIs, what chemistries have been selected and how they will be applied and measured, and potential troubleshooting scenarios for the future. With this roadmap in hand, you’ll move confidently from planning to execution—using it to win buy-in from leadership, train all involved parties on operational success factors, and develop more consistency in decision-making across the entire team.
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