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Rely on Buckman specialty chemicals for your metalworking needs.
The threat of microbial contamination is everywhere—in the water, in the air, and in the dust and dirt commonly present in most industrial settings. Left uncontrolled, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and molds can deplete additives, destabilize emulsion systems, restrict flow, induce corrosion, and generally degrade the performance of metalworking fluids.
That’s why Buckman offers a full range of chemistries to fight microbiological growth; protect the integrity of fluids; keep lines, clarifiers, and filters clean; and maintain optimum working conditions. Our specialty chemicals can help you be more productive and competitive.
Buckman has programs for all your metalworking needs:
- Microbicides
- Organic and inorganic deposit control and dispersing agents
- De-emulsifying products for oil/water separation and tramp oil rejection
- Defoamers and antifoams
- Coagulants/flocculants
- Heavy metal precipitants

Keep Your Metalworking Fluids On The Cutting Edge.
Your customers want to take your products to the limit. So Buckman pushes the limits of product performance with a comprehensive selection of chemistries formulated to keep aqueous metalworking fluids working better, longer.