Process Stability vs Defoamer Purchasing

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    Decouple process stability from defoamer purchasing

    You always want to save on defoamer. But if your volume-purchasing agreements dictate how much you use or lock you into bundled systems you don’t want, initial cost savings will quickly be eroded by wasted chemistry, inefficiencies, and downstream product defects. When you partner with Buckman, you will decouple your process stability from your defoamer purchasing, so you can make the best decisions for the health and value of your entire process. With Buckman’s subscription model, you can incorporate Ackumen™ ECHOWISE® Pro technologies, real-time entrained air data, and organizational support into your operations without a hefty upfront capital investment or defoamer agreement. And you can use this data to buy the right defoamer, not just the cheapest, ultimately dialing in usage to only what you need—no more, no less. What’s more, the agreement provides flexibility to implement ECHOWISE Pro in all your mills, across all your paper machine assets, regardless of the defoamer each location has agreed to purchase. This not only helps you maintain an important balance between individual mill autonomy and organizational standardization. But you’ll also be able to calibrate budgets based on company goals and actual process needs, rather than vendor-driven bundles or purchasing agreements.


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