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Yankee Coating consulting expertise for your operations
Buckman sales professionals and subject matter experts go through hundreds of hours of training so they will be as smart as possible on your industry and its challenges. Because the secret to helping solve your problems is understanding them better than anyone.
Researching the issues our customers are experiencing on their tissue machines and developing solutions for them is at the core of how we find ways to bring value to the industry. Making that happen is a team composed of ex-tissue makers, engineers, scientists and technicians who are passionate about solving problems.
But hiring smart people is not enough. We needed to be sure that individual knowledge and expertise, as it entered the team, had a structured way to be assimilated into the group’s knowledge base and disseminated effectively. This is why all Buckman sales and technical people go through the same training progression regardless of their level of expertise and reputation upon joining us. Alongside the classroom and workshop training sessions, all Buckman tissue resources are entered into our Tissue Mentoring Program, a rigorous OJT program that ensures effective knowledge transfer and skill uptake. Associates are assigned specific mentors and complete a structured training curriculum, progressing through the levels of Apprentice, Technician, Expert and Global Expert.
Through more than 25 years of this approach, Buckman has managed to deploy a global army of tissue knowledgeable associates who are helping customers improve OEE, increase quality and reduce costs. The map below shows just how widespread our network of tissue expertise has now spanned.