Control charge demand and anionic trash in paper systems with Buckman’s charge control chemicals
Wet end chemistry is dominated by colloidal chemistry. Most chemical interactions occur at the component surfaces. Colloids often carry an electrical charge on their surfaces that results from the presence of anionic, or cationic groups. Because most molecular interactions in paper machine stock systems are surface-charge interactions, chemical additives must be carefully selected. The selected additives, plus their addition points and rates, must take into account the surface charge characteristics of the additives and all of the other furnished components.
Comprehensive product line including:
- Bufloc® range of coagulant chemistries for charge control
Application Strategy
Comprehensive solution provider including:
- Application to the paper machine wet end via a chemical dosing system. Dilution is normally recommended for most applications.
Monitoring and Control Strategy
Capable of providing a full range of services to optimize charge modification and monitoring of the paper machine wet end by:
- Automated and/or manual charge control (streaming current) testing
- Zeta potential testing and monitoring
- Colloidal fixation, turbidity, and TSS testing