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    Our Safety Transformation Journey

    At Buckman, our safety goal has been the same for 75 years – to get our employees home safely. But while our goal makes us no different than anyone else, the

    way we choose to achieve it certainly does. And that’s why we decided to recommit ourselves to an even higher standard of safety for ourselves and our customers, and to reinvigorate our safety culture.

    Safety at Buckman is our core value. Changing attitudes, and ultimately culture, is not as easy as flipping a switch…we knew it was going to be a journey. To kick off our safety transformation journey, we needed a new safety motto that all employees could easily reference and stand behind. And to drive home the importance that safety remains a core value, we needed something that resonated with our employees on a personal level. We chose People Matter Most because, at the end of the day, it’s really our people that DO matter most.

    Now that we had a motto, what could we do to further elevate our attitudes and culture around safety?

    We began by conducting a National Safety Council employee safety survey to gauge how our employees thought we were doing as it related to safety. This information would later feed into our newly developed Golden Safety Rules, Critical Standards and Risk Reduction Standards.

    By the end of 2019, more than 70 of our leaders, including executives, managers and supervisors, had completed the DuPont Felt Leadership Workshop. The principles learned in this training all begin with caring and center around safety leadership that is both visible and felt. We will continue to develop even more of our leaders with these felt leadership concepts and tools.

    We also conducted an All Stop Safety Day in all our regional offices. The focus for this day was to address the top safety risks in the functional areas of administration, laboratories, manufacturing and sales, with the ultimate goal of drafting new safety rules.

    Our global All Stop Safety Day was very productive, resulting in a set of 12 Golden Rules, all starting with “I” to establish ownership and tie into the principles of felt leadership. Additionally, Eight Critical Standards were identified by manufacturing, laboratories and sales. For each Critical Standard, global teams were formed to review key content relevant to the standard and share best practices. Ultimately more than 400 employees contributed to developing a global standard and training material for that standard. These standards are now visible and monitored regularly for progress.

    Even though we have made great strides, our safety transformation journey is not over. We will continue to strive for zero injuries and illnesses. And we will rely on every employee to make safety a value and Buckman as a company will continue to take safety to heart, because People Matter Most.


    To view our compliance certificates, please visit our resource page.