Go beyond surface observations

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    Go beyond surface observations and take confident action

    Most leak detection systems rely heavily on one type of real-time data to find anomalies (e.g., acoustic signals, chemical balance, etc.). Yet while that information can be important, it’s only a portion of all the elements that can influence—and predict—a leak. When you partner with Buckman, you’ll go beyond the surface-level observations—seeing more of what’s happening in the boiler, so your operators can be focused and fast in their decision making. This is because Recovery Boiler Advisor (RBA) analyzes more parts of the boiler than any other system—variables like fan speeds, CO2 and sulfur levels, opacity, and more. And because RBA builds a contextual, real-time story of symptoms happening within the boiler, your operators can quickly build a strong case for why they should take a given action—whether that be business as usual, a physical investigation, or an ESP. With this kind of comprehensive analysis, you’ll not only increase operator confidence and awareness of common symptoms, but also minimize employee exposure to potentially dangerous areas and situations.


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